• 专辑:The Endless River

  • 歌手:Pink Floyd

  • 语种:纯音乐

  • 发行时间:2014-11-10


◎协同Paul McCartney共组The Fireman的Martin Glover(The Verve、Beth Orton)+Roxy Music吉他手Phil Manzanera(David Gilmour、John Cale)+2次葛莱美提名的老伙伴Andy Jackson齐力製作 

久等了,经过20个寒暑,整合迷幻和太空摇滚,将实验、叙事性丰富的前卫摇滚,以及运用哲学性的词藻,打开了摇滚音乐史上新页,立足无法取代的伟大乐团Pink Floyd终告回归,替2014年流行歌坛投下最巨大的震撼弹,让全球摇滚迷们欣喜若狂!荣获葛莱美奖青睐,缔造全球销售突破2亿5000万的天量,14张录音室专辑,全数送入英国金榜前十强之林,其中加总停留美国告示牌881週的传世经典《The Dark Side Of The Moon》、史上最伟大的概念专辑《The Wall》,都是影响后辈的膜拜圣碟。分别入籍美国《摇滚名人殿堂》和英国《音乐名人堂》的至尊荣耀、滚石杂志和VH1频道的《史上百组经典艺人》、Q杂志《史上最伟大的乐团》名单裡头。因对音乐与慈善事业的卓越贡献,授予大英帝国司令勳章(CBE),获得Q杂志颁发《杰出贡献》大礼、滚石杂志名单《史上百大伟大吉他手》之列的David Gilmour,加上贝斯手Roger Waters、鼓手Nick Mason、键盘手Richaed Wright,还有早期参与过两张专辑录製的创始团员Syd Barrett,都是构成Pink Floyd最坚强的阵容。David、Roger、Nick和Richaed,在超过20年的分崩离析,彼此尽释前嫌的重聚首,于2005年的Live 8音乐高峰会上同台演出!2006和2008年,Syd与Richard分别因糖尿病、癌症过世,令全球乐迷哀痛不已。
第15张跨世纪新碟《The Endless River》,除了David掌控音乐走向之外,还劳驾协同Paul McCartney共组The Fireman的Martin Glover(The Verve、Beth Orton)+Roxy Music吉他手Phil Manzanera(David Gilmour、John Cale)+2次葛莱美提名的老伙伴Andy Jackson齐力製作。主要阵容包括David Gilmour、Nick Mason与2008年因癌症逝世的创团成员Richard Wright,还有Richard女婿Guy Pratt+「加拿大音乐名人堂」和朱诺奖得主Bob Ezrin,两人负责吉他弹奏、爵士萨克斯风好手Gilad Atzmon等幕后班底。早在《The Division Bell》时期成形的《The Endless River》,原本三人将即兴录製好的作品取为《The Big Spliff》,架构于环境音乐(Ambient Music)风格的演奏作品,却搁置长达20年之久,Pink Floyd决定重新录音、增加内容,同向Richard致敬的唱片。概念式的分为四个纯演奏部份,仅有一首演唱歌曲〈Louder Than Words〉,交付David妻子Polly Samson填词。感动聆赏Richard运用键盘音色的气氛营造、David独特且情感丰沛的吉他演奏、Nick沾染爵士韵味的迷人鼓点,大师们将完美音乐艺术结合,势必再造传奇不朽的经典钜作!
The Endless River is the upcoming fifteenth studio album by British rock band Pink Floyd. Produced by David Gilmour, Martin Glover, Andy Jackson and Phil Manzanera, the album is set to be released by Parlophone and Columbia Records respectively in Friday-release countries on 7 November 2014 and in the United Kingdom on 10 November 2014. The album is the band’s first after the death of the band’s keyboardist and founding member Richard Wright, who appears posthumously on the album, and the third by the Gilmour-helmed Pink Floyd after Roger Waters’ departure from the band in 1985, following the release of The Final Cut. The Endless River is also the first studio release by the band to be distributed by Parlophone and Warner Bros. Records, following the purchase of EMI and its assets by the Universal Music Group in 2012, their transfer to Parlophone and the purchase of Parlophone by Warner Bros. in 2013. It will be the band’s first Columbia title since The Division Bell, as well as their only title on their former label.

Described as a \”swan song\” for Wright, The Endless River is mostly an instrumental album consisting primarily of ambient music. The album is based on unreleased material the band had written, recorded and produced with Wright during sessions for The Division Bell in 1993. Created out of 20 hours of recorded material, the album was recorded aboard the Astoria, Gilmour’s houseboat recording studios, in 2013 and 2014. The album is packaged with an album cover by Ahmed Emad Eldin and sleeve design by Stylorouge.

The Endless River is the band’s first studio album in twenty years, the last being 1994’s The Division Bell. Information about the band’s renewed undertaking was initially leaked from personnel via social media, after which Pink Floyd made a formal announcement. The news was met with anticipation from fans as well as criticism regarding the absence of Waters on the new project. The band and Parlophone promoted the album in the lead-up to its release with television advertisements and installations of the album artwork placed in cities around the world such as London, New York, Paris, Berlin and Milan.


1.Side 1, Pt. 1: Things Left Unsaid
2.Side 1, Pt. 2: It’s What We Do
3.Side 1, Pt. 3: Ebb And Flow
4.Side 2, Pt. 1: Sum
5.Side 2, Pt. 2: Skins
6.Side 2, Pt. 3: Unsung
7.Side 2, Pt. 4: Anisina
8.Side 3, Pt. 1: The Lost Art of Conversation
9.Side 3, Pt. 2: On Noodle Street
10.Side 3, Pt. 3: Night Light
11.Side 3, Pt. 4: Allons-y (1)
12.Side 3, Pt. 5: Autumn ’68
13.Side 3, Pt. 6: Allons-y (2)
14.Side 3, Pt. 7: Talkin’ Hawkin’
15.Side 4, Pt. 1: Calling
16.Side 4, Pt. 2: Eyes To Pearls
17.Side 4, Pt. 3: Surfacing
18.Side 4, Pt. 4: Louder Than Words

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